STOP Killing Our Wildlife

Why do humans believe we are superior and that we have  the right to kill innocent beings?

It makes me sick to my stomach that  people,  educated people , continue to support the poaching of innocent animals who have an equal if not greater right to be on this earth than us humans do. Seeing as they arrived here first and manged to look after it so well . So unselfishly .

Why must we humans be so destructive and evil .

The poor Rhino in Africa are nearly extinct because of human ignorance and pure greed, nothing else.  Or maybe I could add utter stupidity!

I have absolutely had it with these people thinking the horns ,made purely of keratin  ( like our fingernails and hair)calcium and melatonin  can cure; cancer, typhoid,increase sex drive and even cure headaches!  That is what we have modern medicine for! ! All the above ,so called uses for the horn have been proven false and you might as well just eat your fingernails!

Our rhino numbers are extremely vulnerable and if this poaching continues as is these gentle giants will become extinct in just a few years!

I am horrified at humans and to see how we lack humanity and how we refuse to acknowledge their belonging on this earth! As well as the fact that they originated well before our time . If that’s not testimont to their importance ,I’m not sure what is! 

Why must humans always resort to violence? Why do we believe we own the right to everything including taking someone else’s life?

Surely that immediately places us lower than animals . Why must we always think we’re better and take more than we need and deserve?

I am so sick and tired of this sense of entitlement.
We Have completely destroyed our planet simply because we’re selfish.

Look at our tiger numbers! Dwindling! Such magnificent creatures required e see essentially for the greater good of the world.  Saving tigers inadvertently means saving ourselves. 

Maybe if we thought future than our noses we’d see the bigger picture! 

Only when there are no more trees or water will we Begin to see the damage we have done but alas too late . For, it is already too late for us , this abomination of nature . Nothing can help us.  We were made to destroy ,even ourselves.
