Trust No B*

The only truth in this world is that you can’t trust anyone.

No, it has nothing to do with insecurity or an overzealous paranoid personality. This is just a fact.

No matter how hard you try and be nice or even thoughtful to others , they will always be waiting for the time to stab you in the back. I’m quite sure if they had the chance they’d quite literally do it as well. With pleasure.

Everyone is happy to use you until they have aquired what they need from you and once they have they will show you who they truly are.

Humans are constantly turning on one another like vipers stuck in a pit, because these people are sadistic and power hungry but most especially selfish.

Stay away from them at all costs.

In fact stay away from people.

Throughout my childhood I was teased for having few friends but I already knew from then it’s better to have fewer people around you who are true then many who are fake.

I often don’t interact with humans because this is how people behave on the daily . Selfish and unkind. Always out to get you.

We humans love to say how we’re better than not only each other but animals yet many simply can’t even begin to understand we never were on their level to begin with. ✌

It may sound ridiculous but you know it’s true the only person you can count on, is you.

I’m not saying never help anyone , but know your limits and stick to them with all your might,  because once others see you’re helpful and kind they will abuse it just for selfish means. Never forget this.


That which does not belong

Ever wonder why the human mind has the need to “borrow”…

It may start off as innocent , a piece of clothing here , a coin there…

“I’ll return it” the voice in your head says …

I’m sure most people do … but what about those, the handful of those people, that escalate from simple “borrowing”? 

What drives you , how do you even begin such things… next thing you know ur 60 and kidnapping children.

How does th human mind just tick how does one go so wrong?

Are these people absolutely afraid to be alone fired by their cleptomania, that has just escalated over the years? I reckon it’s something much deeper and psychological.

I’m completely flabbergasted by the idea of this and the fact that some people actually go out of their way to take that which does not belong to them. They create the most devious plans and create havoc , which they know will bring, only them, joy yet pain and suffering onto their victims ( again this gives them happiness and a sense of satisfaction).

I sit and wonder how did the world become so sadistic and how could a creation made my God be so cruel and monumentally messed up?

I really have come to believe we are we an abomination of nature, made to destroy that which we touch, smell and even see.

We have th capability to destroy that of innocence and purity yet also the ability to justify. I again find myself asking how?

Are we to live our lives completely frightened / scared that we may be murdered, kidnapped or highjacked on the daily? That’s not even all the frightening things around us!

Why do we as human beings conflict so much pain and suffering onto one another and why do we get so much joy from it?

We say animals are barbaric and cruel, yet animals never take more than necessarry and they understand the true meaning of the idiom “Y


have to be cruel to

be kind”.

How do Criminal minds work and what makes them tick. What makes them think /believe you , your property ,or even ur family members actually belong to them.

Have they gone through a bad childhood , a stressful event in their lives or are they born that way,call It nature’s way of seeding out the population , so to speak.

I guess we’ll never really know the true answer to that question, but it’ll always intrigue me as to how some people can be as cruel and devoid of a soul as they are.

STOP Killing Our Wildlife

Why do humans believe we are superior and that we have  the right to kill innocent beings?

It makes me sick to my stomach that  people,  educated people , continue to support the poaching of innocent animals who have an equal if not greater right to be on this earth than us humans do. Seeing as they arrived here first and manged to look after it so well . So unselfishly .

Why must we humans be so destructive and evil .

The poor Rhino in Africa are nearly extinct because of human ignorance and pure greed, nothing else.  Or maybe I could add utter stupidity!

I have absolutely had it with these people thinking the horns ,made purely of keratin  ( like our fingernails and hair)calcium and melatonin  can cure; cancer, typhoid,increase sex drive and even cure headaches!  That is what we have modern medicine for! ! All the above ,so called uses for the horn have been proven false and you might as well just eat your fingernails!

Our rhino numbers are extremely vulnerable and if this poaching continues as is these gentle giants will become extinct in just a few years!

I am horrified at humans and to see how we lack humanity and how we refuse to acknowledge their belonging on this earth! As well as the fact that they originated well before our time . If that’s not testimont to their importance ,I’m not sure what is! 

Why must humans always resort to violence? Why do we believe we own the right to everything including taking someone else’s life?

Surely that immediately places us lower than animals . Why must we always think we’re better and take more than we need and deserve?

I am so sick and tired of this sense of entitlement.
We Have completely destroyed our planet simply because we’re selfish.

Look at our tiger numbers! Dwindling! Such magnificent creatures required e see essentially for the greater good of the world.  Saving tigers inadvertently means saving ourselves. 

Maybe if we thought future than our noses we’d see the bigger picture! 

Only when there are no more trees or water will we Begin to see the damage we have done but alas too late . For, it is already too late for us , this abomination of nature . Nothing can help us.  We were made to destroy ,even ourselves.


I Cannot Let It Go !

The hype had hit , everyone was spellbound and there was real frenzy at the premier of the movie ” Frozen” so naturally everyone thought its bound to be fantastic.

However; after all this time, when the hype has died down and I have finally gotten the chance to watch it I am nothing less than disgusted at the pathetic and useless attempt by Disney to create somewhat of a classic that , by chance became a box office hit because of its star cast, which I am still quite confused as to how they even managed to pull that off.

From the moment I started watching the movie I was immediately turned off by the absolutely annoying “music” introducing Disney that just continued into the film .

I felt that majority of Disney’s movies actually had greater depth to their story lines with narrators ,meaning and morals from which children could learn . This one however, focused way too much on trying to be “cool” , current , and the language used was not of the callibre a normal Disney character would use.

Call me shallow , but you would think with all the technology at hand the characters could atleast be good looking and not so neanderthal like. No Offence. The only “ok” looking Character, and that too only after she became Queen , was Elsa. What was up with her over zealous dressing for an animated character, i’ve never seen this before.
Again , what message are we trying to send to our children?

Walt Disney himself would be turning in his grave if he had to see this fail.

As a Disney fan I am so disheartened by this pathetic excuse for a film , whose lack of depth called for even sillier songs that went on forever .

I got the message about sisterly love as I having a sister understand that bond but at the end of the day they still didnt qaulify Elsa as Ana’s True love hence defeating the entire purpose of a very long winded and pointless movie!

I am honestly happy I grew up in the era I did, because atleast I got to see real talent , classics, beauty , stories with meaning, morals and truths to them. Stories filled with true love and hope, unlike today’s excuse for Disney filled with mostly violence and frivolous affairs, as seen in Frozen.

This movie stole 102 minutes of my life I will never get back !! An absolute waste! I would never recommend it to anyone.

Not My Circus Not My Monkeys.

I kindly ask you to cancel my subscriptions to your issues because , frankly speaking , they’re not my problem.

Don’t you hate those people who are always in such a negative state of mind & come speed balling into your life knocking anyone and everyone out around them with their negative auror?

They always have the knack of bringing in unnecessary drama because they clearly have nothing better to do & the negative energy within and around them is just eating them up inside and when you alert them to this they turn the situation on you.

I mostly ignore those people & try my hardest not to allow them to get under my skin but sometimes its so hard because the things they say are both untrue but also very nasty.

Of course they’re behaving that way because they’re insecure with themselves as human beings and where they are in life but being negative really isn’t really going to help much & continually bringing others down to make yourself feel better says much more about you then the person you’re trying to bring down.

These people tend to lose out a lot in life. They lose out on the moments they could be happy. They lose out on living as care free and as stress free a life as possible. Because in our stressed out world / life wouldn’t we all wanna live that way? They also tend to push away people who genuinely care(d) for them. They tend to lose contact with God, for they don’t believe anything can turn their situation around.

The worst part is they never see it as their fault because they’re so caught up in their own dramatic negativity bubble they think they’re right all the time.

Unhappiness within our own life will lead us to find happiness in forbidden places.

Its a downward spiral really and so I have chosen not to deal with people who crave drama and negativity in their lives because , life is honestly too short to be angry over nonsensical issues & to be bothered by other peoples constant rubbish which they just create for flair.

Live your life to the fullest & don’t bring people who bring you down with you. You should only surround yourself with those who are filled with positive energy and those people who truly love and care for you. For those people are the ones who know what truly makes you happy in life and who won’t be interested in bringing you down.

Remember keep smiling. 🙂